Policy Notifications

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Attention ! Nous avons déménagé! Le Guide des clauses et conditions uniformisées d’achat (CCUA) a été transféré sur le site d’AchatsCanada. Jetez un coup d’œil à la nouvelle page d’accueil du Guide des CCUA archivé.

Policy Notifications (PN) are documents that communicate changes, revisions, or updates to procurement policies and processes for the Acquisitions Program to PWGSC Acquisitions Branch and regional acquisition offices. Related modifications to the Supply Manual (SM) or the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual are usually published simultaneously with the promulgation of the PN.

Legend for the Policy Notification (PN) table

PNs remain "Active" until the changes are incorporated into the SM or SACC Manual. Information contained in active PNs take precedence over the content of these two manuals.
PN is tagged as "Archived" 6 months following its release provided that the related changes have already been incorporated into the Supply Manual or SACC Manual.
No change:
The PN does not affect the content of the SM or SACC Manual and "no change" has been made. The designation “No change” was introduced on 2015-02-25, therefore only “Active” PNs at that time and PNs issued after this date may be designated as containing “no change”.
SM/SACC Version:
The version numbers in which the changes were incorporated.
Policy Notification - Buyandsell.gc.ca
CanadaBuys - Notification
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Date du sortie

La recherche a trouvé 238 résultats. Affichage résultats 201 à 220.

Date du sortie Numéro de l'AP Titre Version du GDA Version des CCUA
1998-03-19 PN-30 ARCHIVÉE : Canadian Content Policy - Rules of Origin 1998-2 1998-2
1998-03-17 PN-28 ARCHIVÉE : Comprehensive land claim agreements - Notification Provisions 1998-2
1998-03-17 PN-29 ARCHIVÉE : Authority to bid - Occupational and Environmental Health Services Agency 1998-2
1998-02-25 PN-27 ARCHIVÉE : Land Claims Set-Aside Policy 1999-1 1998-2
1998-02-06 PN-25U ARCHIVÉE : Misdirected Bids 1998-2
1998-02-02 PN-25 ARCHIVÉE : Misdirected Bids 1998-2
1998-02-02 PN-26 ARCHIVÉE : Procurement Review for Socio-Economic Benefits 1998-1
1997-12-29 PN-24 ARCHIVÉE : Thresholds for the International Trade Agreements 1999-1
1997-12-12 PN-22 ARCHIVÉE : Year 2000 Warranty 1998-2 1998-2
1997-12-12 PN-23 ARCHIVÉE : Termination for Convenience 1998-2 1998-2
1997-05-09 PN-21 ARCHIVÉE : Acceptable Bonding Companies 1997-2
1997-04-16 PN-20 ARCHIVÉE : Increased Contracting Authority 1997-2
1997-04-14 PN-19 ARCHIVÉE : Bid and Contract Financial Security 1997-2 1998-1
1997-04-14 PN-19 ARCHIVÉE : Bid and Contract Financial Security 1997-2 1998-1
1997-04-11 PN-14R2 ARCHIVÉE : Shipbuilding, Repair, Refit and Modernization Policy 1997-2
1997-03-04 PN-18 ARCHIVÉE : Guidelines for Acquiring Photocopiers and Electronic Duplicators
1997-03-03 PN-17 ARCHIVÉE : Harmonized Sales Tax 1997-2
1997-02-28 PN-16 ARCHIVÉE : Privatization of Canada Communication Group - Acquisition of Printing Services 1997-1
1997-02-18 PN-15 ARCHIVÉE : Disclosure of Vendor Information 1997-1 1997-2
1997-01-06 PN-14R1 ARCHIVÉE : Shipbuilding, Repair, Refit and Modernization Policy

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